Saturday, June 23, 2007


I am sad to announce that this is the first of what is inevitably many blog entries. It seems 2004 has finally caught up with me. My futile attempts to fight "Blog Nation" have finally ceased. I have been overpowered. I have been defeated.
Anyway- it's nice to be here, in a way. I feel like I've been plugged into the matrix. I now have the ability to share my most intimate and sincere thoughts and concerns with the likes of Dong-Sun, my South Korean stalker. HOORAH!!!


boo face mcjones said...

hooray! you are here now! i was totally, like, seven months ahead of you on reaching 2004... just remember that.

B said...

remember when you used to make fun of blogs- I sure do. But I am glad you gave in. It will be much easier for me to learn your secrets from you on your own blog instead of having to get them from Boo.